The providers of East Tennessee OBGYN dedicate themselves to providing personalized professional care to every patient. We consider the special sensitivity that is needed when discussing personal issues with our patients.
Many women experience urinary incontinence at some point in their life, and some of these women need surgery to help correct the incontinence and/or prolapse. Most incontinence issues can be treated effectively.
Urogynecology is a subspecialty of gynecology that focuses on the care of women who experienced pelvic floor disorders, such as urinary and fecal leakage – bladder or bowel incontinence, bulging or dropping of the vaginal tissues (prolapse), trouble urinating (voiding dysfunction), trouble passing bowel movements (defecatory dysfunction), and pelvic pain.
Our providers are trained and educated in the treatment and evaluation of women with urinary symptoms, bowel symptoms, and pelvic relaxation defects. We provide personalized treatment plans for each patient’s individual needs. A comprehensive evaluation may include:
• Urinalysis
• Bladder studies
• Physical examination, like that you undergo during an annual exam and pap smear
• Bowel studies
• Urodynamic testing – an evaluation to check the function of the lower urinary tract which consists of the bladder
• InterStim Therapy – a form of sacral nerve stimulation – was approved by the FDA for fecal incontinence. We have providers who perform this procedure.